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KPC, DOST bag Guinness World Record for Most People Planting Bamboo


KPC, DOST bag Guinness World Record for Most People Planting Bamboo

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KPC DOST bag Guinness World Record for Most People Planting Bamboo

On 28 November 2024, Kilambay Plantation Corporation (KPC) received a plaque of recognition from the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) during the celebration of the National Science, Technology, and Innovation Week (NSTW) 2024 at Limketkai Center, Cagayan de Oro City.

KPC was recognized by DOST for its invaluable contributions during the Kawayanihan simultaneous bamboo planting activity held on 18 October 2024, with the aim of attempting to secure a Guinness World Record (GWR) for ‘Most People Planting Bamboo Simultaneously Across Multiple Venues’.

During the celebration of the NSTW 2024, DOST officially announced that the Philippines, through the collaborative efforts of the national government and its external partners such as KPC, was able to successfully record a GWR for the previously mentioned category, which consisted of 2,305 participants from various areas in Mindanao.

Together with KPC, Kituved Datu Sepelew Ancestral Domain Management Office (KIDSADMO) CEO Timuey Alfredo Sacayan and Ancestral Domain Management Team (ADMT) Head Timuey Dahil Mampurok also received their own plaques, in appreciation of the significant role played by the Erumanen ne Menuvu tribe during the planting activity and as partner of KPC in Carmen, Cotabato.

In an interview, KPC Chief Operating Officer (COO) Rochella “Ella” Taliño Taray said, “As part of Kilambay Plantation, as part of the Province of Cotabato, I’m happy to be one of the representatives who really fight against climate change to address ‘yung mga environmental issues that we are facing today. We’re looking for solutions, and I hope na maka inspire rin kami sa mga ibang tao to also continue the advocacy of environmental protection.”

She likewise highlighted that while there are still so much to do and the journey towards addressing climate change remains challenging, the Kawayanihan Circular Economy Movement of the DOST serves as a significant step towards a greener future that can be enjoyed by the next generation.

“I hope we continue on, step by step, so we can achieve a greener, more resilient future!,” she added.

Meanwhile, KPC Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Jerry John Taray mentioned that, “We hope that this serves as a good start to really inspire more people to join in planting bamboo, because we believe that this is the best way to heal our nature, to address climate change, and also for more sustainable livelihoods for IP communities.”

The GWR for “Most People Planting Bamboo Simultaneously Across Multiple Venues’ is part of a larger effort of the DOST to spearhead reforestation of degraded or logged over lands within Region XII as well as promote a circular economy through the use of bamboo.

Also present during the NSTW 2024 celebration were DOST Secretary Renato Solidum, Jr., Undersecretary Sancho Mabborang, Undersecretary Teodoro Gatchalian, Regional Director Engr. Sammy Malawan, and other public and private sector representatives. —

This press release has also been published on VRITIMES

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