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Streamline Your Customer Service with MiiTel and Deskpro Integration


Streamline Your Customer Service with MiiTel and Deskpro Integration

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Integrasi MiiTel dan Deskpro 1

The integration of MiiTel and Deskpro allows companies to efficiently manage customer interactions across calls, WhatsApp chats, and the ticketing system on a unified platform

MiiTel Phone, a VoIP telephone system with AI Analytics, can now be integrated with Deskpro. This integration streamlines customer service operations by combining the MiiTel telephony system, WhatsApp Business API, and ticketing systems into a single centralized platform. Deskpro is an all-in-one helpdesk ticketing solution that enhances customer engagement by unifying communication channels into one interface.

Key Features of MiiTel and Deskpro Integration

1. Automatic Ticket Creation for Incoming Calls

Every call received through MiiTel automatically generates a ticket in Deskpro, ensuring customer interactions are accurately recorded for easy tracking and follow-up.

2. Instant Customer Information Display

When a call is received, relevant customer information is instantly displayed in Deskpro. This allows the customer service team to view important details and provide faster and more personalized service.

3. Incoming Call Pop-Up Notification

Deskpro displays pop-up notifications for incoming calls, helping your team stay alert and ready to answer calls without constantly monitoring the phone.

4. WABA Integration with MiiTel Numbers

This integration allows businesses to use MiiTel phone numbers for voice calls and WhatsApp Business API (WABA) messaging through Deskpro, offering a consistent and easily recognizable business contact identity across all communication channels.

This integration makes Deskpro the central hub for managing voice calls, WhatsApp messages, and ticketing systems, streamlining customer interactions without switching between multiple platforms. Click here to claim a free demo now!

This Press Release has also been published on VRITIMES

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